Monthly Archives: March 2017

Personal log 2017.089

Some days there are never enough spoons for what the day requires.  Those who are not familiar with the spoon theory read attached link below.

for me winter tends to bring a lower spoon count then most times, as I have aged there have been physical aches and pains and joint complaints, lately the mental collection also has dwindled.

So how does one stock pile what they need to accomplish all that is asked and still have enough to see through after the day?

A few ideas are tossing around at the moment, and where I am hopeful that on days I have plenty, can equal or outweigh the days I run dry.

Many of these personal logs will reflect the current mood and count and there will be many that will reflect all the warmth and good.

It is written that “Life is like the ocean.  It can be calm or still, and rough or rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful.”  There is something in this, it Is a current learning curve but as one I will embrace, the shadows have been comfort let’s try the light.  I may not always succeed but I will try again and again.

Personal log 2017.088

This last year has been a discovery for me, in more than one sense of the mind.  Many things have boiled down within this last year and many times I loose purpose and there is a period of time that I lose the reason behind what I do.  However, it usually takes one thing to make it all the world wild.

I recalled when I dived in the deeper end of our community pool and started down my path.  Most of everything that I have ever done I had to discover myself.  Coding for the websites I maintain, to understand who was in the area so I may enter their entries, locating their wiki pages if they have them, construct their arms, working with people that have ideas to run.

There are little rewards in these things, there has never been asked for rewards, these are things that are done for the benefit of everyone.  When I see the grin as one finds out their submission was completed, when I see a comment on a post about the OP or anything the like I have done for our community, that to me gives me a glow of satisfaction.

Then I tend to think of that this was within the power for anyone to do all along.  The tools where there, however it was me that took the ball and ran with it.  And that makes the work feel wonderful.

There are times I just run out of gas, that I need a recharge, or there are some things that are making what I love to do difficult to approach.  And this is where the spiral begins.

For me it’s more than accomplishment, it is a sense of being needed, at times it is a great amount of effort to start a project and then maintain it, all of which is grand. However, when I slide even for logical reasons my subconscious takes it as a failure.  And this is not just with local things it’s even in private lives.

I took months to get into a routine that I do enjoy.  I get home, make dinner, work on a couple of projects, take a bath get ready for bed.  This past winter I have found more and more that my couch to be more comfortable than anything else, and then I become lazy.  This is good for a short term, however I have learned that pathways such is this become addictive and thereby make the things I wish to accomplish, not feel like there that big of importance.  Comfort and gazing out into nothing felt really good.

So, how do I go by changing that:

That is the biggest question cause once I have started down the dark path, forever it will consume my destiny….. (Bloody Yoda, ok, ok, your right)

I have found that I have to meet my own expectations, and ignore the expectations from anyone else with the exceptions of those I directly report to as one step in this.  I have found that at the moment I am the one tasked to take on such projects so there by it is my responsibility to undertake them and no one else’s.  (this one usually gives me a giggle because really with a few moments anyone else can take this stuff on and then what next) well what next is the fact that at the moment they are what I do so let’s do it well.  And the big one that is the hardest for me to lock in for there are always extra things out there trying to disrupt it.

Believe it or not however routine can be the key for some people, get into established plans that are very not wavering and for me at least gives everything their allotment of time and time to see a task through (or at least to a logical step to a period where you can step away for a few) and if anyone wishes to learn more about what it is that I do, I am happy to teach the tools, but until then it is my duty to undertake them.  I am happy to do so.

So now I work on setting up a schedule and learn about how to take outside influences and working toward finding ways to either “pencil” them in or get better at saying “not right now I have work I need to accomplish” That way I don’t feel overwhelmed and also at the same time there is a sense of accomplishment.

Will it work?  Stay tuned

Personal log 2017.086

There comes a time that you need to look at the dream vs real life commitment.  I would say I have hit this wall, no I am far from quitting for where I have many years to continue to serve our kingdom and dream, however I am finding that there are some responsibilities that I need to take care of at the home and hearth to make sure that when I work and live in the dream my home life is stable and strong.

Tis a good thing that my position is a work from home, for I love doing this, and will continue to serve as I can.  And that is what is bringing me to thought this day.

Many times that we look at our dream, we have to gauge just the depth that we can commit to it.  Many I have seen can go full bore with little or no thought of what is happening when they return home.  That is not wrong but that is their choice.  If they can make it work then good for them.  Then there are some of us that have to do this on our own.

The real world is becoming the more fractured then the dream can be however there are responsibilities that have to be established in our service to the dream.

If anyone has seen a way to balance their wish and duty vs real world life, please I welcome the communication.


In Service forever to the dream (even from the background a bit more)



To be a Herald

What does it take to be a Herald?

I have thought about this question a lot.  More and more I keep hearing the phrases “we just need a warm body”, or “any monkey can do this.”  All in all, this is true as it actually takes a certain level of skill sets that many people might find entertaining enough, or rewarding enough to learn.  It is not as sexy as heavy combat, nor Is it as flashy as say Rapier.  However, for those who are willing to learn, a Herald is just as important and needed as any other position in this great thing in our communities.

Now some may be wondering why that is?  Or what is it that a herald does that makes them special?  In my experience it is really nothing that makes a Herald unique except one thing.  A passion for the position.  A Herald will take to task what he or she needs to do for the office.  Regardless if it is name and device submissions, being vocal at courts, tourney list voice herald, or even the behind the scene keeping of honors and updating records that record our history, (which some may say a good Chronicler could take that part over) and you would be correct, however after seeing both positions, the news letters, and what not that person is entrusted with, yea trust me they tend to go no thank you on the OP.

Heralds come in all shapes and sizes.  We take to task many rather not, and we are steadfast in learning our craft as much as any heavy fighter, archer, fencer.  We work hard in front of crowds and behind the scenes, we are task with the important things that might seem to some trivial however does keep the game alive and well.

I am a Herald and I love my job